UPDATE: HBO Cancels Luck, And The Byronic Man Is Incredibly Powerful

March 15, 2012


UPDATE: So a few hours ago I wrote about the rampant horse abuse lately on TV shows, including the death of the third horse involved with the production of HBO’s Luck.  And now HBO has halted production of Luck indefinitely!

It’s been canceled, and I think it’s obvious it’s because of my blog post.  I mean, I posted, and about an hour later the radio mentioned that the producers were calling it quits.  What else could it be?  I’m pretty sure if event B comes after event A, that’s definitive proof that A caused B.  Which means C: I HAVE INCREDIBLE POWER!!  ALL TELEVISION MUST HEED MY WRATH!!

Byronic Man, unleashing his power on cable television. (artist's rendering)

Make more episode of Firefly right now!  I COMMAND IT!

Dexter has long since worn out the suspension of disbelief and exhausted the bounds of believability!  CANCEL DEXTER!  CANCEL IT, I SAY!!

Game Of Thrones: make Ned Stark not dead! I know that messes up the books!  QUESTION ME NOT!  IT IS MY WILL.

Modern Family: keep it up. KEEP IT UP. I HAVE DEMANDED IT OF YOU!!!


BRING BACK COMMUNITY.  I care not that Chevy Chase is supposedly a complete ass in real life.  I CARE NOT.

And, finally?  Lay off the horses.

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About The Byronic Man

Recently voted "The Best Humor Site in America That I, Personally, Write," The Byronic Man is sometimes fiction, but sometimes autobiography. And sometimes cultural criticism. Oh, and occasionally reviews. Okay, it's all those different things, but always humorous. Except on the occasions that it's not. Ah, geez. Look, it's a lot of things, okay? You might like it, is the point.

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45 Comments on “UPDATE: HBO Cancels Luck, And The Byronic Man Is Incredibly Powerful”

  1. susielindau Says:

    This is hilarious! Such power you wield Byronic Man!


  2. She's a Maineiac Says:

    Ooh! Community is on tonight! Yessss! One of my favorites. You are incredible! Thank you, B-Man!


  3. sj Says:


    (just kidding, but someone had to say it)


    • sj Says:

      Also, I look forward to more episodes of Firefly, but what about Arrested Development?


      • The Byronic Man Says:

        I was on the front lines of the “Save Our Bluths” movement, to be sure, and will quote it endlessly. I have to say, though, that I’ve come to decide that maybe it’s best that it ended when it did. Blasphemy, I know. One more season would have been perfect, but there’s no way they could have sustained that level of writing and wit for too long, and as is it’s just so perfect. Firefly, on the other hand, never really even got to get a fair start.


    • The Byronic Man Says:

      Perhaps a spoiler, but – seriously – season 1/book 1 would be better knowing that was coming. I don’t even remember the following episode because I was angry and saying, “That didn’t really happen, did it? There’s no way. There’s NO WAY.”


  4. Deborah the Closet Monster Says:

    Are you taking requests, TV or otherwise? I’ve got a little list here . . .


  5. Clip Snark Says:

    Don’t forget to give credit where credit is due. To Castle Grayskull.


  6. atothewr Says:

    Make more episode of Firefly right now! I COMMAND IT!

    Yes please. More, more, more, more.


  7. Gow Says:

    You are a Browncoat? Well, that explains everything. The wit, intelligence, sardonic Byronicalness. It all makes sense now. 🙂


  8. Audrey Says:

    Ah, a fellow Firefly fan – I knew I liked you for a reason!
    Seriously, you’ve either got some crazy mind-control abilities or you’re actually started to see something in the murky crystal ball of yours. Uncanny…


  9. tomwisk Says:

    Use your power, get BBC America to run an Avengers marathon. All of them.


  10. BrainRants Says:

    To your note on Modern Family: “Anything with Sofia Vergara … MAKE MORE OF IT, WITH CLOSEUPS, LET IT BE WRITTEN… LET IT BE DONE!!!”

    Dear lord that woman is hot.


  11. angeliquejamail Says:

    Dude, about FIREFLY and GAME OF THRONES and the reality shows, I’ve absolutely got your back.


  12. Anastasia Says:

    Hallelujah!!! = Make more episode of Firefly right now! I COMMAND IT!

    I CARE NOT! rofl


  13. gojulesgo Says:

    I have never, and will never, doubt the power of the almighty Byronic Man! Just one question…does your power extend to the actors of television shows? For example, I mean just hypothetically speaking, if you gave your blessing for, I don’t know, someone from Glee, to enter a polygamous relationship, would he too succumb to your power?


  14. MJ, Nonstepmom Says:

    Yesterday I was going to request of you to bring back Dark Shadows, and as a personal favor to somehow weave in Mr Depp but I thought this would be asking too much, even for you. But you are truly powerful ! For today I found this :


    • The Byronic Man Says:

      It wasn’t easy, to get them to go in to production so the teaser would be ready in time for your request, but I made it happen. Just part of the service here at The Byronic Man.


      • MJ, Nonstepmom Says:

        Most appreciative. The thought crossed my mind, given your recent Godfather right up…..am I now forever in your debt & is there any kissing of Irish rings involved in not getting my horses head severed? No…. I guess not, you’ve also established yourself as being on the “pro horse” side.


  15. Blogdramedy Says:

    With a talent like yours I’d be playing the ponies… 😉


    • The Byronic Man Says:

      I’ve bet on horses exactly twice. Lost the first time, won the second. Won 24 dollars on a 2 dollar bet and called it quits (the horse was actually named Nine Days Rain, the name I use in the post). I’m a cheap, cheap man.


  16. they still let me vote Says:

    Your cause is just Byronic man.

    Thanks for the blogs…..

    ….are you able to use your powers to create new shows?

    Perhaps “The Waltons v The Partridge Family and The Brady Bunch”….but with absolutely NO survivors….?


  17. tedstrutz Says:

    Hmmm… I don’t know about ‘wielding power’… more like bossy maybe. But I agree re: ‘Modern Family’, ‘Firefly’ & Reality Shows… I quit caring about ‘Dexter’ long ago.

    My daughter, who has read the books, told me when I was lamenting the end of Lord Stark… “Don’t become attached to any of the characters in ‘Game of Thrones”.

    I liked ‘Luck’… so, if you have so much damn power… Heal the Horses!!!


  18. Shannon Pruitt from 'Mynewfavoriteday' Says:

    Obama’s visit to South Korea…”The DMZ” of course they rock super hard.


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