Looks Like We’ve Got The Best Seller List Sewn Up For A While.

April 14, 2012


There were a couple of things that were disappointing about the responses to last week’s Weekly Question of the Week: The first is that they were all jokes, but how often my response was to say, “That be COOL;”  the second thing was having to narrow it down to finalists because of the number of great responses.  I got it down to 8 then had to pick randomly.  So if you’re not a finalist this week and wondering if you’re one of the two who got axed randomly?  Yes.  Yes, you definitely were.  I remember clearly.

But finalists there are, so please take a moment and review, vote, and shamelessly slander the other finalists if you’re one of them.

Also, congratulations to Life With The Top Down, winner of last week’s finalists with her response to “What would you most like to her the airplane captain announce over the intercom?”:  “Greetings and welcome to Fantasy Fuselage! Your original flight of choice to a Dull and Dreary destination, has been diverted. We will be re-routed to a little place known as Your Hearts Desire.” This means Life With The Top Down is my featured blogger of the week!  She’s pretty new to blogging, so by all means support her by checking out her site.

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About The Byronic Man

Recently voted "The Best Humor Site in America That I, Personally, Write," The Byronic Man is sometimes fiction, but sometimes autobiography. And sometimes cultural criticism. Oh, and occasionally reviews. Okay, it's all those different things, but always humorous. Except on the occasions that it's not. Ah, geez. Look, it's a lot of things, okay? You might like it, is the point.

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59 Comments on “Looks Like We’ve Got The Best Seller List Sewn Up For A While.”

  1. susielindau Says:

    These are cool! I am reeeeeeaally sure that I don’t want to see the movie Debbie Does Dickens. Eeeeuuuwww!! But very funny!


  2. crubin Says:

    I would love to see flash fiction blog posts on all of these from the respective bloggers. Very funny!


  3. gojulesgo Says:

    Oh it. Is. On!!

    Debbie does Dickens…that would be amazing. I mean, vote for me! Vote for ME.

    Me. That’s Jules from Go Guilty Pleasures. J-u-l-e-s.


  4. BrainRants Says:

    I’m gonna have to up my game here I see.


  5. pegoleg Says:

    Hey, you said MINE was the most brilliant pairing ever! Damn – axed randomly again.


  6. Life With The Top Down Says:

    Thank you Byronic Man for the opportunity and nomination. This is a learning process for me and I am in good company with you and your followers who are smart and well written. Winning Rocks! My YEARS of working on political campaigns has paid off! The hounding phone calls, emails, Facebook posts and yes, sexual favors (to the hubby of course) worked. He is not computer savvy, so he needed a little more coaxing. Friends and family can rest now… well, at least until the Presidential campaign is in full swing anyway.


  7. 1pointperspective Says:

    I came to comment about how the other choices suck, but they’re all so wonderful. I feel like I’m at the Algonquin Round Table, sipping a Sidecar and smoking nonchalantly. So freakin classy!


  8. Renée A. Schuls-Jacobson Says:

    Go Julie! I love that! 😉 even if I got hacked.


  9. theworldsp1nsmadlyon Says:

    Since I live by the old Talladega Nights’ adage of “If you’re not first, you’re last”, this is quite a blow to my pride. Being actually last anyway….it’s even more so. But let me please commend Jules for “Honey I Shrunk the Last of the Mohicans”. Yours was by far my favorite.


  10. Valentine Logar Says:

    It was hard to pick, ultimately though I had to go with Debbie


  11. benzeknees Says:

    Good recommendation for Life with the Top Down – she’s really funny! Thanks!


  12. Paul G. Eberlein Says:

    My vote for “Count Chocula of Monte Cristo” is biased on two counts:
    1) I’m a chocaholic
    2) The Count of Monte Cristo is my favourite (yes, I’m Canadian, eh?) fictional character.


  13. Jackie Cangro Says:

    They’re all so good. I wish I could vote for more than 1.


  14. freddyflow Says:

    Ok y’all, I’ve “fleshed out” my mashup. I’m working on reincarnating some dude called Fellini so he can direct (heard he did “8 1/2,” so he’d be perfect!):

    Remember, your vote counts! Don’t let this go to the Supremes again…


  15. 1pointperspective Says:

    I’ve decided to work on campaigning for next week’s contest. Freddyflow is attacking this thing like a helicopter parent at an Easter Egg Hunt. I may still win, but it’ll take a massive surge in tasteful voters who appreciate the idea of spicing up “A Tale of Two Cities” with flesh eating zombies. If you’re too highbrow for that, then obviously Debbie Does Dickens won’t work for you either.


    • freddyflow Says:

      BWAAP-BWAAP-BWAAP-BWAAP-BWAAP-BWAAP-BWAAP! (goes the Freddy Flow copter). If my little Britney doesn’t get all the eggs, somebody’s gonna get a gross of Peeps right up the santorum.


  16. skippingstones Says:

    trash talk, trash talk…mud-slinging…some slanderous phrases…more trash talk…flinging dirt…trash talk, trash talk…

    Did I do that right? Is it working?



  1. Vote for my mashup: “Debbie Does Dickens” « freddyflow - April 15, 2012

    […] Vote now! Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailMorePrintTumblrRedditDiggLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Tagged Byronic Man, humor, mashup, pop culture, satire […]

  2. Debbie Does Dickens « freddyflow - April 15, 2012

    […] This film not yet rated–vote now! Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailMorePrintTumblrRedditDiggLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Tagged Byronic Man, Debbie Does Dallas, dickens, humor, satire […]

  3. GoGuiltyPleasures Gift Basket Giveaway! | goguiltypleasures - April 16, 2012

    […] – If you need to kill time until creative inspiration hits, I have just the thing for you: Head over to The Byronic Man and vote for me (gojulesgo) in his Weekly Question of the Week contest! Though I don’t think it will have any bearing on […]

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